Sandra Macika Sirius Award 2022

Home »  Sandra Macika Sirius Award 2022

Sandra has been a member of the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club for 14 years

During this time, she has volunteered her time and expertise for numerous club functions and events.

Listed among these are:

  • She works hard to provide a variety of speakers at different levels for all our members to enjoy at our club meetings. She was able to continue doing this during COVID as well, even with the shift of our format to virtual meetings.
  • Special love for meteorites, and she has given her meteorite presentations at numerous club events, in addition to sharing her beautiful collection at non-club events as well.
  • Coordinated our club table at Astronomy at the Beach for many years.
  • Willing to step in and volunteer where needed helping with Banquet prizes and other duties.

IN RECOGNITION of her contributions to the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club, it is my honor and pleasure to present the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club’s 2022 Sirius Award to Mrs. Sandra Macika

Congratulations, Sandra, and thank you for your continued service!

Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.