Pat Korody Sirius Award 2019

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Pat has been a member of the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club for 25 years

During this time, she has volunteered her time and expertise for numerous club functions and events.

Listed among these are:

  • Participation at nearly all board meetings.
  • Participation on numerous committees.
  • Very active in club outreach and Beginner Nights
  • Managing the annual banquet door prizes
  • One of the first people to turn up to help out no matter what the event.

IN RECOGNITION of her contributions to the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club, it is my honor and pleasure to present the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club’s 2019 Sirius Award to Mrs. Pat Korody

Congratulations, Pat, and thank you for your continued service!

Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.