Our Mission

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The Ford Amateur Astronomy Club (FAAC), meets in Dearborn, Michigan (48126) and was established in 1992 as a non-profit astronomy club within the Ford Employees Recreational Association (FERA) of Ford Motor Company. Currently, new members do not need to be Ford employees as membership is open to all astronomy enthusiasts.

FAAC is dedicated to encouraging the study of Astronomy, math, the sciences, and related subjects for the benefit of its members and the general public. We are vigorously dedicated to amateur astronomy-related public outreach. The club presently has over 180 members with a wide variety of keen interests ranging from simple naked-eye sky gazing to observing Messier and deep-sky objects, variable star observing, the use of computers with astronomy, and astro imaging.

General Meetings are open to the public and are held monthly in Dearborn at Henry Ford College (HFC) the 4th Thursday of each month at 7PM see our calendar on our events page.

Beginner’s Nights allow you to bring your telescope to a local site before dusk and learn more about it…OR…to talk to others about their equipment before you buy your first set of binocular or telescope, or more equipment. This is HIGHLY! recommended!!

Be sure to ask questions — don’t be shy! We’re not mind readers (that’s some other club :D…or the state of astronomy before Galileo); we are eager to help you to learn easily and not make the same mistakes we may have. Ask!

We have a productive Mentoring Program for members at all levels of proficiency from beginner newb to expert.


Our site content is updated regularly. We also maintain an up to date event calendar which can be accessed by clicking HERE

Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.