Gary Gibson Sirius Award 2024

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Gary has been a member of the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club for 8 years

During this time, he has volunteered her time and expertise for numerous club functions and events.

Listed among these are:

  • Rgular attendee and contributor at almost all board and general meetings.
  • Friendly face at almost all of our monthly Beginner Nights, as well as many other club public outreach events.
  • Regular at Astronomy at the Beach. He enjoys sharing the sky with members of the public who may have never looked through a telescope before.
  • Given presentations for the club including at our Swap Meet and Conference.
  • Particular love for classic telescopes and has many classic telescope restorations under his belt. He is always happy to share his knowledge of and experience with these beautiful vintage telescopes. He has built a number of reflector telescopes from scratch, and the wooden tripods he builds are both sturdy and beautiful. He has both donated and loaned telescopes for club members to use.

IN RECOGNITION of her contributions to the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club, it is my honor and pleasure to present the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club’s 2024 Sirius Award to Mr. Gary Gibson

Congratulations, Gary, and thank you for your continued service!

Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.