Tim Dey, M.D. Winner Sirius Award 2010

Home »  Tim Dey, M.D. Winner Sirius Award 2010

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Dr. Timothy Dey was the winner of the 2010 FAAC Sirius Award for his tireless efforts to refurbish and bring the Hector J. Robinson Observatory at Lincoln Park High School back to a usable facility.His efforts included: working with the school board and Leo MacMaster (a Lincoln Park Middle School science teacher), writing a grant request to Toshiba America (which funded the new telescope and equipment), leading efforts to get additional funds and supplies from local businesses and the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club, involving a local contractor, Joseph Griggs, who volunteered his crews to clean, put in new flooring, rewire and generally refurbish the observatory.Additionally, Timothy created a group to maintain, manage, and use the facility for school and public functions.His determined drive and leadership were entirely responsible for Hector J. Robinson Observatory being resurrected and actively used to bring astronomy to the public and students as it was originally intended when Hector J Robinson and his students built it in 1961.

Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.