Jim Frisbie Winner Sirius Award 2014

Home »  Jim Frisbie Winner Sirius Award 2014

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Jim has been a member for over 14 years and has been very active in volunteering for our club.

Here is a highlight of a few of Jim’s contributions:


  • Regularly attends nearly all board meetings, General Meetings, and SIGs
  • Is a mentor for astrophotography and very active in the astrophotography SIG
  • Has given many tech talk presentations at our meetings
  • Has served on many committees including:
    Club banquet organization
    Initiated the swap meet and has either chaired or co-chaired it almost
    every year since, and stepped in for John Schroer
    Has served on the program committee for several years locating
    presenters for our club meetings
    Currently serves on the nomination committee and organizes club
    elections each year
    Steps in to take meeting minutes as Secretary whenever the secretary is
    unable to attend
    Was the StarStuff newsletter editor for three years — which then included
    the processing and mailing of hardcopy newsletters prior to our
    current electronic distribution.


Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.