Liam Finn Sirius Award 2021
Home » Liam Finn Sirius Award 2021
Liam has been a member of the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club for 8 years
During this time, he has volunteered her time and expertise for numerous club functions and events.
Listed among these are:
- President from 2017 – 2019.
- “Star Stuff” Editor in 2016.
- Webmaster since 2017.
- At almost all of our beginners’ nights and is always willing to help a new telescope user set up and operate their new scope.
- Caretaker of the club’s 20” Obsession Dob, he brings it to almost every event he comes to, to share those great views with the public.
- Given numerous presentations to our club and at our annual swap meets, as well as at many outreach events.
- Hammond Planetarium operator.
- One of our Outreach Coordinators.
IN RECOGNITION of her contributions to the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club, it is my honor and pleasure to present the Ford Amateur Astronomy Club’s 2021 Sirius Award to Mr. Liam Finn
Congratulations, Liam, and thank you for your continued service!