Doug Bauer Winner Sirius Award 2015

Home »  Doug Bauer Winner Sirius Award 2015

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Doug has been a member for over 17 years and has been very active in volunteering for our club.

Here is a highlight of a few of Doug’s contributions:


  • Previous President, 3 terms
  • Previous FAAC Secretary, 3 terms
  • Has organized the Annual Picnic for several years
  • Coordinates the FAAC conference/meeting rooms with
    HFC: We have a room to hold our meetings each month
    because of Doug’s efforts
  • Regularly attends board meetings and General Meetings
  • Has organized the Club banquet for several years
  • Has organized the Club picnic for several years
  • His very many hours of Public Outreach in Michigan and out-of-state


Conference & Swap Meet: April 5th. 9am - 3pm. Henry Ford College. Administration Building.